Friday, September 14, 2007


我们的生活 have a great change since arrival of baby Shaun - lack of sleep is top priority! Every evening need to be go back to CCK in time - max 7.30pm to have our dinner first then Dad will drive us home - together with baby

By the time we reach home its close to 9pm - first do the laundry, wash baby bottles, boil water etc then a quick bath for baby coz its pretty late (have to do a quick one for baby Shaun)

Baby will make a mess out of it and hubby has to clear all the mess for him. Next I need to take a quick bath just in time to feed baby at 10pm - baby starting to make noise as he wants to sleep ....

When he has his milk I will pat him to sleep and hubby will take his bath - usually my hubby the last person to sleep he will wait for the laundry to hang, fold the clothes and to wash up everything - I think he goes to bed as late as 1pm (if lucky he can sleeps at midnight)

Depending on baby - at times he will sleep through the night or he will wakes up at least once in the middel of the night to have his milk (or else he couldnt go back to sleep)

Well, I couldnt wake up to tend to baby when he woke up at 4+am - I am too tired to tend to him as he made noise at 1+ - he feels hot in the middle of the night *perspiring*

Hubby tend to baby but baby didnt got back to sleep - he wants to play in the wee morning!!! We are both so tired ....did I say that my hubby also the first to wake up in the morning to prepare the breakfast, wash baby bottles etc ...

No wonder he has lost a lot of weight lately ...

Well, baby goes back to sleep at 6am - while we busy preparing to go to work! He snores ....

Every morning we book a cab to CCK (to reach mum's place at around 7.30am - she will take care of baby and Dad will give us a lift to CCK MRT - this is our daily routine ..

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