Sunday, May 20, 2007

20 May 2007 - Baby Shower

My 公公婆婆 celebrated my 1st month birthday @ Arena Country Club, 小姐姐,姨姨姨丈,小姨,舅舅舅妈, granduncles, grandaunties were present. We had Chinese lunch and everyone was enjoying their food - yummy yummy! I received many any pows that day and mummy helped me to put aside for my education funds hee hee

Saturday, May 19, 2007

满月- 19 May 2007

This is an important date for me. In Chinese culture, this is my first month birthday celebration.

My 婆婆came early to help me to wash up. I bathe with olive to cleanse from top to bottom. Mummy also helped me to cut my hair - just alittle bit of my hair for safekeep. This is a tradition that I hope to continue when I have my own babies in the near future.

I received many presents and ang pows from many uncles and aunties from whom I never met before. Would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their well wishes and gifts.

Cake vouchers from Sweet Secrets and Bengawan Solo were distrubited to all uncles and aunties for their generous gifts. A huge 1st Month cake from Emicakes too was delivered to mummy's collegues at work.

Mummy also ordered from Culture Joy - 'The Wishing Star' for relatives and 婆婆also bought 烧鸡肉and made red eggs for the relatives.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


嗨!大家好!我今天刚满14 days old,是个小不点。妈咪说我脾气很暴躁,给我取了个外号‘MAN ZHAN GUI’。是不是很可爱?

来到这个世界,我学会了三个字‘Milk’;‘Sleep’;‘Nottie’。我一哭就要‘Milk’。晚上我哭闹不停,妈咪就说我‘Nottie’。然后就对我说‘Sleep’ ‘Sleep’。

Oops! 妈咪又抱抱我了,叫我‘Sleep’ ‘Sleep’。没办法了,我只好乖乖去‘Sleep’ ‘Sleep’。嘿嘿。Sleep’ ‘Sleep’。