Monday, June 18, 2007

Bathtub Baby

Top pic taken at 12 days old
Below pic taken at 52 days old
Any difference?

什么是'Bathtub Baby'让我来告诉你吧!

我的第一次:真得好紧张! XX早上,我的婆婆先替我抹我的小脸蛋,很'cool'的'feeling' - anyway it really makes me feel GOOD!!!!

跟着替我wipe tongue - urgghh... 我最怕这个procedure - makes me wanna vomit ha! Anyway, next she will wash my little 'botak' head first before she put me into my bath tub.

我很喜欢玩水, 感觉真得很棒! 忘了我现在是'naked body'只要可以戏水什么都OK! As long i can stay longer in my bath tub! Well, that is what I meant by above 'Bathtub Baby'.

每天婆婆都帮我梳洗, 令我很开心。 第一我冲了凉,我觉得很清爽, 也比较容易入梦乡

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

今天是父亲节我没钱买礼物给daddy but I have something special for him - 我学会了Baby Talk with daddy and that's makes Father's Day special to him right? This is my FIRST Father's Day gift to my precious daddy - I LOVES U *muack muack*


Thursday, June 7, 2007

1 month 2 weeks old

I am 1 month 2 weeks old today - to be exact.

I am able to turn my head from left to right and from right to left - thanks to mummy dearest who enjoys walking from one end to another (guess she just wants to make sure that I RECOGNISE who she is) hee hee

I discovers that I have a 'new talent' guess what - i can blows bubbles! Mummy said I look messy whenever I drools Mummy also nickname me as '口水王'

My first word to mummy is 'ah goo' and I will coos to make mummy's heart melts 嘿嘿

Every morning 我最爱婆婆play this game with me - 123 (our secret) - My po po said this to help boost my courage!!!!

By the way, I also discovers that I loves to suck my thumb instead of my pacifier *oops* (Daddy will be very unhappy when he sees me sucks my thumb!!!)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


爸爸就是我的玩具。大家一定觉得很奇怪吧?理由很简单,爸爸最爱act cute 哄我开心。什么 pattern 都做给我看,令我哭笑不得。好几次想跟爸爸说“你比我更 adorable”。这个“大玩具”是金钱都买不到的。