Saturday, July 21, 2007

3 Months 1 Day Old

Today I had my 1st DPT/DT vaccine + 1st Polio vaccine and Oral Rotavirus - sound complicated .. the oral Rotavirus taste like ......anyway I swallowed all ....

I didnt CRY when the doctor gave me a jab - he said I am a good boy :)

I had my weight and height taken - 6.9 kg, 64cm length, and head circumference 41cm ....

so I have grown taller, heavier and head also bigger compared at birth - 3.865kg, 52cm and head circumference 36cm :)

I also know many things - when someone talk and smile to me, I smiles back at the person and I will make sounds such as short vowel sounds like 'UH' 'OO', 'EH' 'AH' (this is my first vocabulary hee hee)

I can also touch my own hands together :) Po Po said I am no longer a newborn so must learn to reach out things using my tiny hands

I feel sleepy .......probably because of the jab ....

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